2nd Sundays Elks Lodge in Crescent City, 3-5 pm, $7 per person, no partner needed Contact; Carol Zocchi (559) 741-3601, carolzocchi@gmail.com
Register, Call or Text Dino at 707-499-9253
Tuesday, March 17th, 2020, 11:00 am-12:30 pm, Del Norte Community Health Center, Conference Room
Meet Your Farmer, Tuesday, March 17th 5:30-7:00 pm, Family Resource Center of the Redwoods
March 18th, 6:45-7:45, College of the Redwoods, Janet Cooper, tomjanet@charter.net
March 21, 2020, 10 am-2 pm, Beachfront Park
Harvest of the Month-Cabbage, recipe demo and taste testing is offered at the Social Services on March 23rd, from 3-4:30 pm.